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Choose delicious fruit organically grown and closer to nature

We've updated our website and have a new address. Click here to shop at MortonsOrganicOrchards.com While it’s a lot of extra work and expense, an organic farm creates a beneficial and sustainable environment that is healthier for us and our kids. We employ organic practices to safely enrich the land, manage water and control pests. Getting an organic certification is a detailed process that takes years. The land and our products must be free of toxins, chemicals and fertilizers...
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100% Certified Organic farmland
Heather Morton Burtness grew up on one of Colorado's first organic farms - in Palisade, where her parents were pioneers growing high quality peaches. In 2017 she and husband Joe Burtness purchased prime Aloha Organic Fruit orchards. They continue the tradition of putting their hearts into stewardship for good health of the land, life and water. Heather says, "It is our life’s work to feed people well."
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