Harvest Schedule

Ripe peaches on tree branch

14 varieties of organic peaches allow us to harvest continuously from late June thru October 1

Use this schedule as a guide of when Palisade fruit typically ripens. As nature is unpredictable, and fruit ripens on its own timetable, contact us to confirm what we are harvesting if you are looking for a particular variety. To meet demand for more varieties of local organically grown Colorado fruit, Aloha’s orchards now produce nectarines, cherries and Santa Rosa plums. 

LEGEND: SC= Semi-cling pit; F= Freestone pit

Organic Peach Harvest Schedule

  • PF # 1 – SC – June 28 – July 6. Medium fruit. 90% red over yellow background with excellent flavor.
  • PF 5D Big – SC/F – June 25 – July 5. Large early peach. Exceptional dark red color and excellent fruit quality. Sweet and flavorful golden yellow flesh. Can be cling, freestone or half/half.
  • Early Red HavenSC – July 15 – 25. Similar to Red Haven in color, size, flavor and texture.
  • Rising StarSC – July 20 – Aug 5. Bright-orange red. Firm, non-browning flesh.
  • Red Haven SC – July 20 – Aug 5. Excellent for canning and freezing. Yellow-fleshed, well-colored with brilliant red skin surface.
  • Blazing Star F – July 25 – Aug 8. Firm fleshed 90% bright red peach that has great quality. Non-browning flesh is yellow.
  • PF 15A 
- F – Aug 1 – 10. Classy, large ( 2¾”+), high color, excellent flavor, good firmness.
  • Red Globe F – Aug 10 – 20. Firm, yellow flesh of very good flavor and bright attractive skin color. Excellent for canning and freezing.
  • AngelusF – Aug 10 – 25. Large, firm peach. Bright red over yellow undercolor. Mild and low acid content. Good for drying.
  • PF 25 – F – Sept 1 – 15. Highly colored fruit with good size and flavor. Very freestone.
  • Contender – F – Aug 20 – Sept 10. High quality, firm, large, with excellent color.
  • PF 19-007
 – F – Aug 25 – Sept 10. Beautiful, large (3”) highly colored, firm tasty fruit.
  • PF 28-007 
- F – Sept 10 – Sept 25. Good flavor and firmness.
  • O’Henry F – Sept 15 – Oct 1. Large peach with a striping tendency. Color is medium yellow-green with a nice red blush over top. Flesh is firm with high sugar content.
Faith-organic peaches
Find our fruit at Morton’s Organic Orchards at Colorado farm markets.


Organic Cherry Harvest Schedule 

  • Benton – early June. Mid-season, excellent quality dark red sweet cherry. Large with excellent firmness and superior flavor.
  • Black Pearl – early June. Large, firm, with excellent flavor and storability.
  • Rainier – mid June. Golden color with red streaks. Memorably sweet flavors make it a favorite.

Organic Nectarine Harvest Schedule

  • PF 11F – Aug 10 – 20. Beautiful sweet red blush fruit of great flavor.
  • Redgold F – July 15 – 30. Large blush red fruit. Good size. Firm, juicy and ships well. Excellent flavor, high quality.

Organic Plum Harvest Schedule

  • Santa Rosa – SC – mid-July. Beautiful, large, red fruits with gold flesh. Santa Rosa plums are sweet and delicious fresh, cooked or canned.